Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Pheasant Shoot

All images and content ©Ian Wray 2013
I was recently invited to photograph a pheasant shoot. Not a large commercial setup, but a private one run by a small group of friends who manage the birds on a local farmer's land. Throughout the year, they buy in and rear the birds in preparation for a series of shoots throughout December and January.
After meeting for a breakfast of sausage sandwiches, we head out into the countryside
  The group splits with the six 'guns' heading in one direction, whilst the beaters head off in the other
It is a family day out, with the 'beating' being largely carried out by the shooters' wives and children 
 ... with a few other helpers
 The 'guns' take position
Whilst the beaters go to work flushing the birds from the dense undergrowth
A Hen Pheasant breaks cover
About 40 percent of the birds are killed over the season
 The rest survive to see another year 
You might think hunting for sport is cruel. My view is these birds have a far better life than the chickens and most of the other animals which go into the food we buy at the supermarket.
Many thanks to you all for a very enjoyable and hospitable day out.
All images and content ©Ian Wray 2013

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